Christmas in the Jail Drive

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Bringing the Good News to the Forgotten

“Jail is not a desirable place to be, but it was the place that saved me,
thanks to Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry. It’s not just a job for them. They are
just trying to show love in the most broken part of our broken world.”

-Joshua S., Genesee County

RTF believes in the redemption and restoration of inmates through Jesus Christ.
As the largest jail-focused ministry in the U.S., we empower chaplains
and volunteers to share hope and salvation with the “forgotten” women
and men incarcerated in Michigan’s county jails.

Jails Served

We currently have placed chaplains in 35 jails across the state of Michigan. These chaplains lead a team of dedicated volunteers who preach the message of Jesus Christ to inmates in Michigan county jails.

Our Work

Reach the Forgotten Jail Ministry is a biblically-based, chaplain-led, volunteer ministry. We provide hope in Michigan county jails by teaching, preaching, and showing the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that every inmate that returns home can start a new life, become a productive citizen, and never return to jail.


How do you measure the impact of God's grace?

It's life-changing. Families are transformed. Churches are renewed. Communities are rebuilt.

Get Involved

Our volunteers and supporters allow us to offer a new life in Christ to inmates in Michigan county jails. We couldn't do it without you! Will you join us as we reach more and more inmates with the life changing Good News of Jesus Christ?

Our Banquets

Our annual banquets provide an opportunity to hear how RTF has reached the hearts and souls of inmates in your local jail. Gather with us to hear the impact your support is having around the state of Michigan.